Bougatsa – Greek Lemon Custard – Simply irresistible! A traditional Greek dessert made of layers of golden crunchy phyllo and filled with creamy lemon custard. A sprinkle of mixed cinnamon and icing sugar makes this an absolute perfection! 

– 4 eggs
– 1 cup granulated sugar
– 5 cups whole milk
- Peal from orange or lemon
– 1 cup semolina
– 1 & 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
– 1 tsp lemon juice
– 1 Tbsp melted butter (or 1 & 1/2 Tbsp stick thinly sliced butter)
– Phyllo dough (thawed out in the fridge overnight)
– 1 stick butter (less or more, to butter phyllo)

Prepare custard:
Egg mixture: In bowl place eggs, add sugar and whisk together until combined.

Milk mixture: In medium size pot heat up whole milk with lemon peel until hot but not boiling. 
Once warm, add semolina constantly mixing with a wooden spoon, until thickens (custard-like consistency). Reduce the heat.
 While consistently mixing milk, slowly add the egg mixture in a thin stream –mix until thicken (wooden spoon test).
Add 1 & 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
Add 1 tsp lemon juice
Add 1 Tbsp of melted butter (or 1 & 1/2 Tbsp stick thinly sliced butter)
Mix until combined.
Remove the lemon peel.
Prepare a separate bowl and sift custard into it (to remove any lumps).
 Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the custard and set aside to cool off completely.

Prepare phyllo:

Melt 1 stick of butter, which will be used to butter the phyllo.
 Take the phyllo out of the box and cover it with a damp towel.
 Butter the baking dish (I used clear glass dish 3 QT)
Place one sheet of phyllo and place it so that the sides are overflowing (narrow end facing you).
Butter the first layer (just the part that touches the bottom of the baking dish).
Place another layer but in opposite direction, place it on the bottom of the bake dish and butter it.

Repeat – about 8-10 layers in total.

Spread the custard into the baking dish.
Fold over each side making sure to butter each layer as they are placed over the custard.
Take the last phyllo sheet and place it on top, butter it, tuck in the sides and butter it.
With the knife “cut” delicately the top layer of phyllo making markings of the portions (but don’t cut it through to the custard).
Brush a little bit of butter into the cracks where cuts were made.
 Then with your fingers sprinkle a little bit of water on the top of the cake.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour or until the phyllo turns a deep golden color.
Once cooled, sprinkle with cinnamon and icing sugar. Serve warm.

Notes: Store in fridge.

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